We get asked a lot of questions about our model, our work, and our impact. Many answers can be found below, or within our Community Report.
2022 Community Report
2021 Community Report
2020 Community Report
What is Interact's approach?
Devised Theater
- 5.5 hours/day
- 3-5 days/week
- Studying visual, audio, and print media and discussing as a company
Performance Creation
- Character-building; script-writing; plot, music and dance development through improv and theater exercises
Intensives *
- 5-10 intensives/year
- Improv
- Articulation
- Movement
- Singing
*Sometimes taught by guest artists
Guided artistic development
Individual praxis
- 5.5 hours/day
- 3-5 days/week
Workshops *
- 4 workshops/month
- Various media, such as water
color, ceramics, mosaic, textile, and others
*Sometimes taught by guest artists
Group critiques/Intensives
- 2 sessions/week discussing artists’ own and others’ work
- Specialized Ceramics and Fiber Arts studios
- Research and experience-oriented outings
Daily needs and Adult Day compliance
Individual care
- Each artist has an Interact advocate and staffing ratios vary between 1:5 to 1:8 for individual care and supports
Daily needs
- Transportation
- Medication
- Coordination with case manager
- Finance management
- Communication with housing provider
Adult Day compliance
- Monthly goal-setting and check-ins
- Yearly meeting with case manager
- Daily physical exercises
- Adult Day billing
- Up-to-date disability risk and management plan
What does Interact do?
1-2 full-scale theatre productions each year featuring all performing artists
10-20 performances for each production
5-10 performances per year for conferences and corporations
15-20 in-house performances per year for groups touring Interact
Interact artists regularly exhibit work in art galleries, museums and institutions, and artist-run spaces. We partner with local and national organizations to hold exhibitions that explore a broad range of forms and ideas. Between solo, group, and juried exhibitions, Interact artists collectively participate in 15+ exhibitions per year.
Additionally, work by Interact artists is always on view in our Saint Paul studio and working gallery, which is open to the public Monday – Friday, 9 a.m – 4 p.m.
2 domestic or international residencies per year at schools, hospitals, or art organizations
About 3 weeks of arts learning and 2 performances or exhibitions per residency